Implementation of the Newton-Raphson algorithm in Python and Clojure:

showing the advantage of the Lisp syntax

We introduce two numerical algorithms to solve equations: the bissection algorithm and the Newton-Raphson algorithm. Newton-Raphson performs better, and we compare its implementations in a language that doesn't have Lisp style macros (Python) and one language that has them (Clojure), to illustrate what macros can do. On the way, the reader will have learned about numerical algorithms, symbolic derivation, some elements to write an interpreter, and the Lisp syntax.

Let's approximate $\sqrt{2}$

So let's set ourselves to calculate $\sqrt{2}$. It is defined as the positive solution of $x^2=2$. Since the function $f:x\mapsto x^2$ is strictly increasing over $\mathbb{R}^+$, the equation $f(x)=2,x\geq 0$ has only one solution, and since $f(1)=1<2$ and $f(2)=4>2$, we know that this solution is between $1$ and $2$. We now calculate $f(1.5)=2.25>2$, so we have $1<\sqrt{2}<1.5$. We get a better approximation by calculating $f(\frac{1+1.5}{2})=f(1.25)=1.5625<2$ so we know that $1.25<\sqrt{2}<1.5$. We could carry on like that forever, but it will be faster to write a quick function to do that for us. Let's do it in Python:

def approx_sqrt_two(tol=0.00001,n_max=100):
    a,b = 1.0,2.0
    error = (b-a)/2
    n = 1
    while error > tol and n < n_max:
        candidate = (a+b)/2
        candidate_value = candidate**2
        if candidate_value > 2:
            b = candidate
            a = candidate
        n += 1
        error = (b-a)/2
    return candidate

A more generalized method

The above code works well, but it can't be used to calculate any other things that $\sqrt{2}$. The first thing we can do is tweak it so it can calculate the square root of any number:

def approx_sqrt(target,tol=0.00001,n_max=100):
    a,b = 1.0,target
    error = (b-a)/2
    n = 1
    while error > tol and n < n_max:
        candidate = (a+b)/2
        candidate_value = candidate**2
        if candidate_value > target:
            b = candidate
            a = candidate
        n += 1
        error = (b-a)/2
    return candidate

So there it is, our new function approx_sqrt can calculate the square root of any number. In fact we can do even better by enabling our algorithm to be used for an arbitrary function.

What we want is to have a function with a signature :::python def approx(func,target,tol=00001,n_max=100) where func will be a lambda expression. Here is a first try:

def approx(func,target,a=0,b=100,tol=0.00001,n_max=100):
    error = (b-a)/2
    n = 1
    while error > tol:
        candidate = (a+b)/2
        candidate_value = func(candidate)
        if candidate_value > target:
            b = candidate
            a = candidate
        n += 1
        error = (b-a)/2
    return candidate

We now need to specify the bounds inside which the solution resides (the arguments a and b), and also it assumes that func is increasing (at the line if candidate_value > target:). If we assume func is monotonic (either always increasing or always decreasing) we can make a small modification to that code where we guess whether func is increasing or decreasing, by calculating the rate $\displaystyle\frac{\text{func}(b)-\text{func}(a)}{b-a}$:

def approx2(func,target,a=0,b=100,tol=0.00001,n_max=100):
    rate = (func(b)-func(a))/(b-a)
    compare = (lambda x,y: x > y) if rate > 0 else (lambda x,y: x < y)
    error = (b-a)/2
    n = 1
    while error > tol:
        candidate = (a+b)/2
        candidate_value = func(candidate)
        if compare(candidate_value, target):
            b = candidate
            a = candidate
        n += 1
        error = (b-a)/2
    return candidate

A faster algorithm: Newton-Raphson

Let us go back to the first problem and see how fast the first algorithm performs to calculate $\sqrt{2}$. Is that algorithm efficient? We make a small change in the first version of the code to return how many iterations it required:

def approx_sqrt_two(f=lambda x:x**2,tol=0.00001,n_max=100):
a,b = 1.0,2.0
error = (b-a)/2
n = 1
while error > tol and n < n_max:
    candidate = (a+b)/2
    candidate_value = f(candidate)
    if candidate_value > 2:
        b = candidate
        a = candidate
    n += 1
    error = (b-a)/2
return candidate,n

In [7]: approx_sqrt_two()
Out[7]: (1.4141998291015625, 17)

The code requires 17 iterations to calculate an approximation of $\sqrt{2}$ with a precision of 0.00001.

Can we do better? When searching for a better candidate that a and b, the bisection algorithm takes the value $\displaystyle\frac{a+b}{2}$. Taking the average is a reasonable choice but it can seem a bit arbitrary, and that is where lies any improvement of that algorithm. The algorithm of Newton-Raphson does just that: it starts with $a$ as a first candidate, and then the second candidate is calculated by solving: $f'(a)(x-a)+f(a)=\text{target}$.

Why this formula? $y=f'(a)(x-a)+f(a)$ is the equation of the tangent in $a$ of the curve defined by $y=f(x)$.

The picture below the general principle: starts from point (1), draw the tangent of the curve there, find where the tangent intersects the like $y=2$, keep the corresponding abscissa and reiterate.

Image Alt

Here is the code for it:

def approx_sqrt_two_nr(tol=0.00001,n_max=100):
    a,b = 1.0,2.0
    n = 1
    candidate = a
    error = abs(candidate**2-2)
    while error > tol and n < n_max:
        candidate = (2-candidate**2)/(2.0*candidate) + candidate
        candidate_value = candidate**2
        n += 1
        error = abs(candidate**2-2)
    return candidate,n

The question that remains is: can we change the code to make it take a lambda argument like we did with the bisection algorithm?

Generalizing the Newton-Raphson code for any function

Let us look as what it would take: the Newton-Raphson algorithm requires to calculate the derivative of $f$, the function we want to invert, which means taking a function (in our case: x**2) and applying it a non trivial transformation (in our case it becomes2*x).

It is possible in any language to have a program that calculates symbolic derivatives. What is harder is to have this integrated with the rest of the code. Here is some pseudo code to implement Newton-Raphson in python with the function to solve as an input:

def approx_nr(func,target,candidate=0,tol=0.001,n_max=100):
    error = abs(func(candidate)-target)
    n = 1
    derivative_func = derivative(func) #this is the hard part
    while error > tol and n < n_max:
        candidate = (target-func(candidate))/derivative_func(candidate) + candidate
        candidate_value = func(candidate)
        n += 1
        error = abs(candidate_value-target)
    return candidate,n

Running that in the Python interpreter:

In [5]: approx_sqrt_two_nr()
Out[5]: (1.4142156862745099, 4)

It only takes 4 iterations against 17 iterations required by the bisection algorithm. Much faster!

The problem lies in the command derivative(func), which is supposed to calculate the derivative of func. It is possible to do it with the numerical derivative, which consists at approximating the quantity $f'(x)$ with $f'(x) \simeq \displaystyle\frac{f(x+\varepsilon)-f(x-\varepsilon)}{2\varepsilon}$ for a $\varepsilon$ small, but I want to ignore this possibility as the goal of this article is to discuss Lisp macros through symbolic derivative.

An attempt to do it in Python

To calculate the symbolic derivative of a function, we need to have first its expression, which isn't available with a lambda expression. So we need to introduce a Function object that will contain that:

class Function:

    def __init__(self,expression,evaluation):
        self.expression = expression
        self.evaluation = evaluation

Representing a synctactic tree

The question arises: how to store the function's expression? The simplest answer, as a string (so x**2 would simply become "x**2") turns out to be inconvenient to calculate the derivative. Instead it is much better to store the expression as a direct representation of the function syntactic tree:

 /      \

"x"       2

This representation shows that the main function is "**" and its two arguments are "x" and 2. One way to represent this programmatically is to create a class like:

class NodeFunction:

    def __init__(self,main,arguments):
        self.main = main
        self.arguments = arguments

And our expression would become NodeFunction("**",["x",2]). If we want to represent (x+1)**2 the same way, it would become: NodeFunction("**",[NodeFunction("+",["x",1]),2]).

Another way is to represent our syntactic tree is through a list: "x**2" becomes ["**","x",2], and "(x+1)**2" becomes ["**",["+","x",1],2].

Those two ways are equivalent but I will use the latter as it is more succinct, so I will stick with it for the rest.

Evaluation of a syntactic tree

We will need to be able to evaluate a syntactic tree at a given point. For that we write a function whose signature will evaluate_tree(tree,values) where values is going to be a dictionary (to allow multiple variables). For example evaluate_tree(["+",1,"x"],{"x":2}) should read ["+",1,"x"], replace "x" by 2 when it encounters it, and proceed the evaluation recursively. If tree is not a list, we will assume it's either a number, in which case we return it, or a string, in which case we assume that it is one of the keys of values, and return its corresponding value.

If tree is a list, we take the main function that is tree[0] and the arguments. We will evaluate the arguments using evaluate_tree recursively, and once they are reduced to numbers we will be able to simply apply the main function to them.

The code will be:

def evaluate_tree(tree,values):
    if type(tree) is not list:
        if type(tree) is str:
            return values[tree]
        else: #in that case we assume that tree is a number
            return tree
    main, args = tree[0], tree[1:]
    args_evaluated = map(lambda x: evaluate_tree(x,values),args)
    if main == "+":
        return sum(args_evaluated)
    if main == "-":
        return args_evaluated[0] - sum(args_evaluated[1:])
    if main == "*":
        #again,assuming only two arguments
        return args_evaluated[0]*args_evaluated[1]
    if main == "/":
        return args_evaluated[0]/args_evaluated[1]
    if main == "**":
        return args_evaluated[0]**args_evaluated[1]
    #for the rest of the function, we assume only one argument
    #the functions log, exp, cos and sin need to be imported
    #from the math module
    if main == "ln":
        return log(args_evaluated[0])
    if main == "exp":
        return log(args_evaluated[0])
    if main == "cos":
        return cos(args_evaluated[0])
    if main == "sin":
        return sin(args_evaluated[0])
    return None

This is not the most robust code, but it will fit for illustrative purpose.

Symbolic derivative

Let's calculate the derivative of a function! Before that, here is a reminder of the rules to calculate the derivative:

$\frac{d(f+g)}{dx} = \frac{df}{dx}+\frac{dg}{dx}$

$\frac{d(f-g)}{dx} = \frac{df}{dx} - \frac{dg}{dx}$

$\frac{d(fg)}{dx} = \frac{df}{dx}g + f\frac{dg}{dx}$

$\frac{d(f/g)}{dx} = \frac{\frac{df}{dx}g-f\frac{dg}{dx}}{\big(\frac{dg}{dx}\big)^2}$

$\frac{d(f(g))}{dx} = \frac{dg}{dx}\Big(\frac{df}{dx}\Big)(g)$

And the derivatives of elementary functions:

$\frac{dx}{dx} = 1$

$\frac{dK}{dx} = 0$     If $K$ is a constant (with respect to $x$).

$\frac{dx^n}{dx} = nx^{n-1}$

$\frac{d(\cos x)}{dx} = -\sin x$

$\frac{d(\sin x)}{dx} = \cos x$

$\frac{de^x}{dx} = e^x$

$\frac{d\ln x}{dx} = \frac{1}{x}$

Let's now write a function that calculates the symbolic derivative of a mathematical expression. We will restrict ourselves to the functions listed above.

The our function will take a mathematical expression as an argument, along with the variable we are calculative the derivative with respect to. So the signature of our function will be derivative(expr,variable).

The mechanism to calculate the symbolic derivative of a syntactic tree is very similar to the mechanism to evaluate a syntactic tree: we go down the tree, if the tree is a constant or a variable, calculating the derivative is straightforward (it's $1$ if the expression is equal to the variable, and $0$ otherwise). So the start of the function will look like:

def derivative(expr,variable):
    if type(expr) is not list:
        return 1 if expr == variable else 0
    main, args = expr[0],expr[1:]

If the tree is a list, the code will break down the expression into the main function (the first element of the list) and its arguments (the rest of the list). Then we will check what is the value of main and apply the corresponding formula to the arguments. For example, if main is "+", it will look like:

derivative_args = map(lambda x:derivative(x,variable),args)
return ["+"]+derivative_args

For the other possible values of main we will apply the rules of the derivation that we saw above.

At the end the whole function is:

def derivative(expr,variable):
    if type(expr) is not list:
        return 1 if expr == variable else 0
    main, args = expr[0], expr[1:]
    if main == "+":
        derivative_args = map(lambda x:derivative(x,variable),args)
        return ["+"]+derivative_args
    if main == "*":
        u,v = args[0],args[1] #assume there are only two arguments
        du, dv = derivative(u,variable), derivative(v, variable)
        return ["+",["*",du,v],[u,dv]]
    if main == "/":
        u,v = args[0],args[1] #assume there are only two arguments
        du, dv = derivative(u,variable), derivative(v, variable)
        return ["/",["-",["*",du,v],["*",u,dv]],["**",v,2]]
    if main == "**":
        u,v = args[0],args[1] #assume there are only two arguments
        du, dv = derivative(u,variable), derivative(v, variable)
        return ["*",["+",dv,["/",du,u]],["**",u,v]]
    if main == "exp": #exponential function
        u = arg[0] #assume one argument only
        du = derivative(u,variable)
        return ["*",du,["exp",u]]
    if main == "ln":
        u = arg[0] #assume one argument only
        du = derivative(u,variable)
        return ["/",du,u]
    if main == "cos":
        u = arg[0] #assume one argument only
        du = derivative(u,variable)
        return ["*",du,["*",-1,["sin",u]]]
    if main == "sin":
        u = arg[0] #assume one argument only
        du = derivative(u,variable)
        return ["*",du,["cos",u]]
    return None

Again, this is not the most robust code and has some defaults (for example, the multiplication can only take two arguments) but it is simple and illustrates how symbolic derivatives are calculated.

Complete implementation of Newton-Raphson

What remains is now to integrate the derivative function with the rest of the code. It requires a small modification of the prototype code we wrote in a previous paragraph (func is gonna be a Function object that was described above):

def approx_nr(func,target,candidate=0,tol=0.001,n_max=100):
    error = abs(func(candidate)-target)
    n = 1
    derivative_func = derivative(func.expression)
    while error > tol and n < n_max:
        candidate = (target-func(candidate))/evaluate_tree(derivative_func,{"x":candidate}) + candidate
        candidate_value = func(candidate)
        n += 1
        error = abs(candidate_value-target)
    return candidate,n

A Lisp version with some macros

Brief description of the Lisp syntax, and a primer on the Clojure language

The Lisp syntax is different of most language: instead of having function(arg1,arg2), lisp is (function arg1 arg2). The operators don't have a special syntax, so for example 1+2*(3-4) is (+ 1 (* 2 (- 3 4))). Please notice that it is very similar to how we expressed the syntactic tree earlier.

Since the rest of the code in the article is going to be in Clojure, I will give a brief overview of the Clojure language. Feel free to skip if you're already familiar with this language.

Variable assignments

Global variables are defined using def. For example:

user=> (def x 4)
user=> x

Local variables

Local variables are defined using let. For example:

user=> (let [x 5]
#_=>    (* 2 x))

Inside this let is defined the variable x equal to 5. We then calculate (* 2 x).

let's can be used to define multiple variables at the same time, some depending of the previous ones:

user=> (let [x 1
#_=>       y 2
#_=>       z (+ x y)]
#_=>   (* 2 z))

Anonymous functions

Clojure can also take anonymous functions, they can be expressed in two ways: #(+ 1 %) (% is the argument, if there are multiple arguments it becomes #(+ 1 %1 %2)), or using fn: (fn [x] (+ 1 x)).

Anonymous functions are called just like standard functions, except that instead of their names, it's their full codes that is given:

user=> ((fn [x] (+ 1 x)) 5)

Function definition

A function is created using defn. For example:

(defn my-function [x]
    (+ 1 x))

defn can also be used to define several times the function with different arguments:

(defn my-other-function [x]
        (my-other-function [x 2])
      my-other-function [x y]
        (* x y))

That was my-other-function can take either one or two arguments.

It is also possible to use def to define a function:

(def yet-another-function (fn [x]
    (+ 2 x)))

Lists and Vectors

In Clojure, vectors are between brackets: [1, 2, 3] and lists are between parenthesis, but they are quoted so they are not evaluated: '(1 2 3). The function to get an element of a list is nth:

user=> (nth '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 2)

It is very common to want to access to the first element of a list, and also to the rest of the elements of that list. For that two functions exist: first and rest:

user=> (first '(1 2 3 4))
user=> (rest '(1 2 3 4))
(2 3 4)

Clojure data are immutable, so lists can't be modified. However, it is possible to construct a new list from a list and a new element, where the new element is put at the beginning of the new list, with the function cons:

user=> (cons 0 '(1 2 3))
(0 1 2 3)


Like in most of the programming languages, Clojure has if conditions, that takes a boolean, a value to return if the boolean is true and another value to return otherwise.

user=> (if (> 3 4) 1 2)

There is also a switch statement called cond to test several conditions on data. cond has to contain a default case, named `:default':

user=> (defn show-cond [x]
#_=>      (cond (< x 0) "negative"
#_=>            (< x 10) "small"
#_=>            (< x 100) "normal"
#_=>            (< x 1000) "big"
#_=>            :default "really big"))
user=> (show-cond 100000)
"really big"
user=> (show-cond -1)
user=> (show-cond 5)

Recursion and loops

For performance issues, recursions are done with recur.

(defn my-sum [a-list]
         (my-sum a-list 0)
      my-sum [a-list pre-sum]
         (if (nil? a-list) 0
             (let [x (first a-list)
                   xs (rest a-list)]
               (recur xs (+ pre-sum x)))))

Loops also work with recur, here is an example

(defn my-other-sum [a-list]
    (loop [res 0
           lst a-list]
       (if (nil? lst) res
           (let [x (first a-list)
                 xs (rest a-list)]
             (recur (+ res x) xs)))))

Lisp macros

Macros can be seen as special functions that enable the programmer to modify the syntax of the language. How? By controlling how the arguments are getting evaluated. Is that an helpful explanation? Probably not but I hope to be able to shed some light soon by giving an example of a concrete macro.

Lisp version of Newton-Raphson

Trying to reproduce the Python code

The python code above for Newton-Raphson can easily be translated into Clojure.

First, the derivative:

(defn derivative [function variable]
    (if (not (seq function)) (if (= function variable) 1 0)
        (let [main (first function)
              args (rest function)
              der (fn [x] (derivative x variable))]
            (= '+ main) (cons '+ (map der args))
            (= '- main) (cons '- (map der args))
            (= '* main) (let [u (nth args 0)
                              du (der u)
                              v (nth args 1)
                              dv (der v)]
                          (list '+ (list '* u dv) (list '* v du)))
            (= '/ main) (let [u (nth args 0)
                              du (der u)
                              v (nth args 1)
                              dv (der v)]
                          (list '/ (list '- (list '* du v) (list
'* u dv)) (list '** v 2)))
            (= '** main) (let [u (nth args 0)
                               du (der u)
                               v (nth args 1)
                               dv (der v)]
                           (list '_ (list '+ dv (list '/ du u)
(list '** u v))))
            (= 'exp main) (let [u (nth args 0)
                                du (der u)]
                            (list '* du (exp u)))
            (= 'ln main) (let [u (nth args 0)
                                du (der u)]
                            (list '/ du u))
            (= 'cos main) (let [u (nth args 0)
                                du (der u)]
                            (list '* ('* -1 du) (list 'sin u)))
            (= 'sin main) (let [u (nth args 0)
                                du (der u)]
                            (list '* du (list 'sin u)))
            :default nil))))

We can then do exactly the same as in Python and write a function approx-nr whose signature will be (defn approx-nr [function syntactic-tree target tolerance min-val max-val]) that will be called like: (approx-nr (fn [x] (** x 2)) '(** 2 x) 2 0.00001 1 2). But since the two arguments function and syntactic-tree are very closed (syntactic-tree is, after all, the syntactic tree of function, and with the Lisp syntax the code of a function is its syntactic tree...) it is a legitimate concern to want to avoid using an extra argument and get the syntactic tree directly from function.

Getting the code of an anonymous function

For that, we would have to tell the compiler something in the line of "Hey, do not evaluate [I don't know if the best term for that is 'evaluate' or 'byte compile' or 'interpret'] function directly, but before that give me its source code so I can calculate its derivative!" This is not possible with a standard function - we don't have control when arguments are evaluated, but with a macro, it is: here is a macro that extracts the source code of an anonymous function: (defmacro get-code [func] (list 'quote (nth func 2)))

First let's see how it works in the Clojure interpreter:

user=> (get-code (fn [x] (+ 1 x)))
(+ 1 x)

How did that work? when calling get-code, func is replaced by the value we gave it, in our case (fn [x] (+ 1 x)), but it is not evaluated. That is not the case with functions, so a language like Python that doesn't have macros can't do that. Then, (fn [x] (+ 1 x)) is treated as a normal list, so (nth func 2) returns the 3rd value in that list, in our case (+ 1 x). The quote in get-code is here to say "ok, treat that as a list instead of trying to evaluate it". The symbol ' before the quote is here to tell the clojure compiler not to eval quote right away.

We can see how the get-code macro is expanded, using macroexpand:

user=> (macroexpand '(get-code (fn [x] (+ 1 x))))
(quote (+ 1 x))

Then that last line (quote (+ 1 x)) is evaluated and at the end it returns the list (+ 1 x).

Creating an anonymous function from a list

Once we have extracted the code of func we will calculate its derivative as a list representing its syntactic tree, and then we will need to make a function out of it. This can be done with a macro:

(defmacro make-function [variable core]
    (list 'fn [variable] core))

Clojure implementation of Newton-Raphson

We can get the variables names of a function the same way we got its code. For the sake of conciseness I gonna assume the functions here only have one variable, so the code to get that variable name is: (defmacro get-variable [func] (list 'quote (nth (nth func 1) 0))).

Armed with those two utility macros and the derivative function we are able to write the code for the Newton-Raphson algorithm:

(defn approx-nr
    ([func target] (approx-nr func target start 0.00000001 100))
    ([func target start tolerance n-iterations]
        (let [variable (get-variable func)
              code (get-code func)
              der (make-function (derivative code variable))]
          (loop [k 0
                 res start]
              (if (or
                     (>= k n-iterations)
                     (< (Math/abs (- (func res) target)) tolerance))
                 (recur (inc k) (+ res (/ (- target (func res)) (der res)))))))))

The main difference with the Python version is that we don't need to pass the syntactic tree of func to our algorithm since it is extracted directly from func's code.

As a conclusion...

The python version of the Newton-Raphson algorithm required to implement a function eval_tree that can evaluate a syntactic tree, which is basically a small subset of a Lisp interpreter. The Lisp version doesn't need that, which makes the code shorter as a result, and also safer as it is not possible to pass to the Newton-Raphson algorithm a wrong syntactic tree for the function we are trying to solve.

Instead, we have embedded in our code a very small Computer Algebra System that operates directly on the code we use. This would not have been possible without macros. The Lisp guru and evangelist Paul Graham wrote: "It would be convenient here if I could give an example of a powerful macro, and say there! how about that? But if I did, it would just look like gibberish to someone who didn't know Lisp; there isn't room here to explain everything you'd need to know to understand what it meant. In Ansi Common Lisp I tried to move things along as fast as I could, and even so I didn't get to macros until page 160." [0] Here we managed to give an example of a powerful macro in much less than 160 pages.

However, the goal for which we had use of macros, numerically solving arbitrary equations, isn't the most common task in programming, and I believe this is for this reasons we had to use a macro: if it was something people did a lot, the functionalities to calculate derivatives of anonymous functions would have been incorporated to popular languages.

Thus macros are useful for greenfield projects, and once such projects become mainstream functionalities provided by macros get put into mainstream languages.

Addendum: another way to implement Newton-Raphson for anonymous functions, in Python

Python specifically has two modules that can be used: the Python parser ast and the inspect module to be able to get the source code of a function as a string.

In [7]: inspect.getsource(lambda x: 2*x)
Out[7]: u'inspect.getsource(lambda x: 2*x)\n'

It is thus possible to have a function that takes a lambda expression as an argument, get its source code through inspect and parses it with ast to get the syntactic tree, then calculate the derivative of that tree and make a lambda expression out of it.

However this approach is very specific to Python, which is why it wasn't much discussed here: I used Python to represent languages that don't have macros, and this approach would not be doable in Java for example.
